We ensure that our business activities are friendly to both the world and those living in it.

A guide to our environmental

At JCM, we pay close attention to the environment, and to the health and safety of our customers and employees. We actively seek out materials that limit pollution, both during the manufacturing process, and post product life cycle.

We comply with environmental laws and regulations and strive to exceed those requirements.

We have defined what we call our “Environmental Aims and Targets,” meaning the tough environmental goals we set ourselves. Each year, we re-examine our goals and revise them as necessary so that we constantly improve our environmental management system (EMS).

We actively promote resource saving, energy saving, recycling and disposal reduction.

We implement environmental education and awareness activities to enable all employees to understand our Environmental Policies and raise their environmental awareness. And we ask our business partners to disseminate our policies to their employees. Working together, we can make a difference.

Quality policies

We manufacture our products with a strong commitment to customer satisfaction.

We constantly strive to improve the overall quality of our products.

Our “Quality Targets” are set and re-examined annually.

We ensure our Quality Policies and Targets are understood and met by all of our employees.