Patents & Certificates

JCM’s innovative spirit has led to the creation of products that are technologically original, and the company’s work has been recognised with several patents and trademarks.
Products Us Patents
EBA 8276734, 7240780, 7182197, 7677379, 8348042, 7677380
UBA 8276734, 7240780, 7182197, 7677379, 8348042, 7677380, 6585260, 7909152, 7913831
i-PRO 8276734, 7240780, 8400687, 8649069, 8730533
i-VIZION 7980557, 8006821, 8746433, 8528715, 6585260, 7909152, 7913831, D726827
DBV-300 7501659
9251636, 9598256, D736318, D734396
9251636, 9598256, D736318, D734396
PUB-7 7789211
TBV 8400687, 8649069, 8730533
VEGA-RC 8764013, 8967389
UBA-RC 8393609, 8276734, 7240780, 7182197, 7677379, 8348042, 7677380, 6585260
UBA PRO 11136210
iPRO-RC 8393609, 8276734, 7240780, 8400687, 8649069, 8730533
UBC-10 8382100
FUZION 10140817, 10235838, 10235839, 10318942, 10621825, 10629034, 8025574, 7857702, 7812992, 7594855, 10713889, 10783752, 10818144, 10825290, 9582957, 10559155, 10891823, 10643194, 10733585, 10817859, 10964158, 10970967, 10991198, 11100759, 11127259, 11188890, 11189136, 11182999, 11227281, 11257331, 11321998, 11321999, 11341813
Promonet 8419532, 8025574, 7857702, 7812992, 7594855
SENTRY Intelligent Bezels 10410458, 10049524, 9483894, 8978868, 8960406, 8960405, 8960404, D687103, 10891819, 11227461
ICB ASAP 10890025,11041337,11302134, 11339606, 11486187
ICB ASAP: Smart Cart 10755522
Table Game Peripherals: Trident, iV8, TableXchange, iV10, TITA 8157655, 6745887, 8684155, 8414382, 6968787, 7255215, 8414403, 9846876
Banknote Sorting Machine 10954095, 11210886, 11208276
RDM D838617
iVERIFY 11341801