07. Dez.. 2023

MRX-CIS has passed the banknote processing equipment certification at the Czech National Bank

MRX-CIS has passed the banknote processing equipment certification at the Czech National Bank

JCM Global is proud to announce that the MRX-CIS has passed the banknote processing equipment certification at the Czech National Bank (CNB)

This certification is required by law in order to operate banknote processing equipment in the Czech Republic. It only requires recertification is there is a change to the hardware or software. The MRX-CIS current firmware already supports the new CZK 5,000, which has been valid since the end of October 2023.

“We are really pleased that the MRX-CIS has gained certification as the testing process is quite complex,” says Hans Pesch, Sales Director EMEA JCM Global. “The equipment is tested with a large number of banknotes fed in all four directions. It is also tested with counterfeit money which of course must not be accepted at all. This is actually a real challenge as the counterfeit money is professionally developed by the CNB for this purpose and is almost identical to the genuine currency. In addition, the equipment is tested with damaged real notes, including e.g. dirty notes, soiled notes and notes with tape. At least 90 per cent of the banknotes of each of these 9 categories must be recognised. Following the pre-test, further software updates were required from JCM in Japan, which arrived within 24 hours – despite a public holiday – at this point everything worked perfectly and everyone was impressed that the MRX, despite its high speed when transporting banknotes, assigned all banknotes to the correct categories.”

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