26. Apr.. 2023

Leading Spanish Games Manufacturer Visits JCM Global’s Tokyo HQ

Leading Spanish Games Manufacturer Visits JCM Global’s Tokyo HQ

Zitro – one of Spain’s most successful video bingo and video slots providers, visited the Nagahama factory in Tokyo recently.

The visit was organized also following the successful introduction and integration of UBA Pro into their cabinet in addition to GEN5, which Zitro has been using successfully.
Joan Pla Galindo, Global Zitro Purchase Leader, was introduced to the Japanese team by JCM Sales Manager Jaime Bonet Torrendell, who is responsible for the Spanish speaking markets.

“We tested the UBA Pro bill acceptors in the Zitro factory and among our operators and we found the acceptance to be very successful,” said Joan Pla Galindo. “We are really pleased to be able to offer our customers a bill acceptor with very high levels of acceptance, which are really high speed, extremely reliable and very secure. It was a real pleasure to meet JCM Global engineers in person at the Tokyo headquarters and to visit the factory in person.”

“We were all very honoured to host Zitro – which is one of the most important gaming suppliers in the world,” adds Jaime Bonet Torrendell. “It was fantastic to see how much they appreciated the hard work of our engineers, and everyone was very grateful to know our technology is going into the casinos, arcades and bingo halls of Zitro’s many customers.”

From left to right:
JCM Tokyo HQ: Osamu Hishinuma (JCM General Manager – Asia Sales Dept., Global Strategy Division), Yoshihiro Iuchi (JCM Board Director – Senior Executive Officer, Head of Global Strategy Division), Joan Pla Galindo (Zitro Purchase Leader), Jaime Bonet Torrendell (JCM Europe Sales Manager).

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